Physical death does not end a relationship or the love it held.
Though it is the end of the physical life we shared, it is also an opening as we, and our loved ones who have passed, realize opportunities to explore a different form of communication.
Like us, they are going through an adjustment period. A life review allows them an expanded understanding of the life they led on the physical plane. This increased consciousness results in an acute desire to share what they have learned with us. They seek reciprocal communication to help ease our pain, which in turn eases their own pain.
Spiritual communication provides a means for our loved ones to prove their continued existence, love, and concern. Old wounds and misunderstandings can be addressed and resolved, allowing us a deeper compassion for our loved ones and ourselves.
Communication continues, and together we have the capacity to lift suffering and accelerate healing for all.
To purchase a copy of Love Is Greater Than Pain or listen to a sample – click here
Marilyn Kapp now hosts a podcast
Passed Yet Present

We, and those who have passed, share the need for love and connection. Together, communication becomes collaboration.
Those who have passed are present and on a parallel path with us. We share a continuing concern for each other and we long to express love and offer reassurance. They would like to communicate with us, as we would with them. We always have the ability to reach out, they receive every word that we direct to them. In “Passed Yet Present” we focus on consciously expanding our ability to receive and interpret their messages, leading us to reciprocal communication. With this intention, we consciously collaborate and support each other’s growth, resolve issues, release old patterns, and heal.